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Your Second Family...

About the Kindergarten

The kindergarten “Veselá školka” (Jolly Kindergarten) was founded in 2008. At that time there were some private preschool facilities, most of which were mostly focused on teaching English. We neither liked this philosophy nor did we agree with it. We do not think it is a good approach. We intended to establish a facility for children living in the Czech Republic, and the earlier they learn to speak correctly and gain mastery over the Czech language, the sooner they will be able to study languages in depth. In our seven years of experience, we are finding out that our approach is correct and functional. Now we are concerned about the current situation where more and more cases of postponing the compulsory school attendance due to speech impediment and attention deficit are commonplace. Therefore, we stand up for our educational concept and are extremely happy to see the results “our” children achieve later in school.

People in Our Kindergarten

People in Our Kindergarten

Jana Staňková, headmaster

For Jana, the study at the Secondary School of Education in Krnov meant discovering different kinds of creativity. Her desire to develop her own creativity led her to attend courses such as skiing, swimming and canoeing. In addition to her other educational courses in the field of verbal abilities, art techniques and techniques to work with children, she took seminars such as speech therapy activities or different ways to work with children with autism spectrum disorders. Now she is also a new lecturer of the Mensa NTC Learning method. She started playing the piano as a small girl and continued on at the pedagogy school. Jana is the co-founder of “Veselá školka” and has been managing it since 2008. She respects children and considers doing work with purpose to be her mission in life.

školka Praha 5, školka Praha 13, školka Stodůlky, soukromá školka Stodůlky, montessori školka Praha 5, školka začít spolu praha, anglická školka praha 5, soukromá školka praha 5, školka mensa, Mensa ntc learning, dobrá školka praha, kvalitní školka praha,

Monika Kvapilová, teacher

Monika successfully finished the bachelor’s degree at Česká zemědělská univerzita in Prague. During her studies at the university she started to do her part-time job - in university children’s group. She really enjoyed this kind of job and she also realized, that this the way she wants to keep going in her professional life. Work with children makes Monika happy and she invents many games and activities to develop children’s personalities. If refer to education, Monika prefers themes like biology and the world around us as a whole. She tries to teach children to take care not only about themselves, but also about everything alive around them. She always tries to be kind, she listens to and supports every child. Monika wants to be as positive as possible during realization any kind of activity.

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Vendula Kulichová, teacher

Vendula successfully finished the master's degree - subject “Secondary School Teaching: Czech + English”. Anyway she finds working with preschool children much more attractive. That is why she had no hesitation in becoming a part of the Veselá školka team. While working with children, she tries to concentrate on their natural curiosity, enthusiasm, spontaneity, energy and naturalness. The most important is to let the children be themselves and that is what makes them happy. Vendula believes that children are like mirrors for the adults - she always works on their sense of responsibility, purposefulness, independence, friendship and love to other people and to the nature. Vendula adores travelling and discovering beautiful places, especially in the nature. Her pros: timekeeping, punctuality, responsibility, sense of humor and neverending optimism, cons: as she says, there are no cons connected with her personality :-)

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Markéta Hrbková, English teacher

Markéta is a graduate of University of Cambridge, where she finished her studies with the First Certificate in English. After being a home caregiver for children up to 10 years old in Great Britain, she worked as an English lecturer in the Lamea language school for children. Her passion for teaching children brought her to our kindergarten and now she has been a member of our team for six years. In her spare time, she studies at the Silesian University in Opava, where she takes courses in the field of Philology for schools, English. In addition, she takes care of her two children, likes travelling, reading and going to the theatre. Markéta is always well prepared and gains the trust of children with her positive approach and natural manners.

školka Praha 5, školka Praha 13, školka Stodůlky, soukromá školka Stodůlky, montessori školka Praha 5, školka začít spolu praha, anglická školka praha 5, soukromá školka praha 5, školka mensa, Mensa ntc learning, dobrá školka praha, kvalitní školka praha,

Jana Hurychová, housekeeper

One of the most important things in a kindergarten is cleanliness. Mrs. Jana Hurychová takes care of that and keeps all our premises clean and scented. She is conscientious, reliable and no task is impossible for her to complete. Nevertheless, she is also the person who is spoiling our taste buds by preparing tasty and healthy snacks. She enjoys gardening and looks after the garden with herbs and vegetables.

školka Praha 5, školka Praha 13, školka Stodůlky, soukromá školka Stodůlky, montessori školka Praha 5, školka začít spolu praha, anglická školka praha 5, soukromá školka praha 5, školka mensa, Mensa ntc learning, dobrá školka praha, kvalitní školka praha,

Jan Jelínek, manager

Honza is an indispensable part of our team and along with Jana, he established the kindergarten. He is a capable manager and a perfectionist and manages the school by participating in creating internal processes using his excellent organizational abilities. The children love him and like getting into mischief with him. As we know, in every man, there is a hidden kid who wants to play. We appreciate his ability to help when needed; he can give excellent advice and never leaves a question unanswered.

školka Praha 5, školka Praha 13, školka Stodůlky, soukromá školka Stodůlky, montessori školka Praha 5, školka začít spolu praha, anglická školka praha 5, soukromá školka praha 5, školka mensa, Mensa ntc learning, dobrá školka praha, kvalitní školka praha,
Our Facility

What We're All About

Canisterapie s Májou
Letní dovádění v bazénku
Ochutnávání surovin je zábava
Letní dovádění na zahradě
Cyklistický gang :)
Canisterapie :)
Dopravní den
Překážková dráha ve školce
Masopustní karneval
V Národní galerii v Praze
Stůj, dej přednost v jízdě
Dobrodružná výprava
Malí tenisté
Přivonět a správně vybrat
Na exkurzi v automobilce Škoda
Výprava na zámek Dobří�š
forhend, bekhend,smeč, volej
Pražská zoo
Mikuláš, čert a anděl ve školce
Žirafy v zoo
Jaro volá
V botanické zahradě
Dudácké představení u nás ve školce
I s vrtačkou to zvládneme
Krůček po krůčku
Výlet za kytičkami
cvičíme, cvičíme
I chlapi rádi vaří
Divadlo Spejbla a Hurvínka
Řádíme v zimě
Pořádně to promíchat
Tenis nás baví
S paní zubařkou
Poklady z výletu
Neustále v pohybu
Hlavně se nezamotat
Zdobíme stromeček
Holčičí seance na zahradě
Čarodějnická noc
V zoo u ledního medvěda
Na výletě u Baby Jagy
Workshop s rodiči
Soutěže na výletě
I za dinosaury se někdy podíváme
Dobrodružství na Čarodějnické noci
Vyrábíme i s rodiči :)
Větší než Karlštejn
Však my ten mlýn roztočíme
Na výletě v pohádkové říši
Honba za pokladem
Rodiče, nemluvte mi do toho :)
Rodiči zapáleni do vyrábění s dětmi
To jsem si sám vyrobil
Vánoční posezení
Mami, podrž mi to :)
Z výletu na farmu
To je něcooooo
Kámoši jak hrom
Copak je to za dárečky
Máme se rádi
Trošku přikořenit
Jede, jede mašinka
Kámoši a kámošky
Všechno nejlepší!
Já vííííím
Pořádně zamíchat
Přidej mi tam ještě trochu
Ukaž mi ten míček
Vyrábění na workshopu s rodiči
Krásná rodinka
Já na bráchu, brácha na mě
Posezení s rodiči na zahradě
Opatrně strouháme :)
To bude dobrota
Masopustní karneval
Pořádně protáhnout
Zkoumáme velký globus
Bavíme se na karnevalu
Ovoce na zobání
jo ahaaa
Tak co si dneska vyrobíme?
Jsme tu moc rády
Oslava narozenin
Where is the Kindergarten

Where is the Kindergarten

The kindergarten is located in a quiet and nice area of Prague Stodůlky, close to the Central Park. The address is Na Dolnici 526/42, Praha 13.

Jsme zapsáni ve školském rejstříku.
Ve školce aplikujeme program Mensa NTC learning.
Spolupracujeme s dentální a ortodontistickou klinikou Perfect smile.
Jsme zapojeni do projektu recyklohraní, ukliďme svět.
Účastníme se projektu Celé Česko čte dětem.
Přispíváme na dobročinné projekty organizaci Dobrý anděl.

Veselá školka - Mateřská škola Stodůlky s.r.o., Na Dolnici 526/42, Praha 5, 150 00, IČ: 01533339

Zápis ve školském rejstříku - IZO: 181044820, Identifikátor: 691004986

© 2015 Veselá školka

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