Your Second Family...
16 May 2020
Two Places Available in our Preschool
There are currently two places available in our kindergarten. Should you be interested in inrolling your child, please, do not hesitate and contact our director Jana Staňková via phone 775 731 649 or via e-mail for an appoinment. We will be delighted to show you around our kindergarten, explain our educational program and our philosophy. We look forward to seeing you.
4 May 2020
Vesela skolka is opened again!
We are happy to announce that after restrictions due to COVID-19 we are opening today again. We have implemnted safety and sanitary preventive measures and we believe the situation now will be OK and we will be able to continue in normal working.
Veselá školka - Mateřská škola Stodůlky s.r.o., Na Dolnici 526/42, Praha 5, 150 00, IČ: 01533339
Zápis ve školském rejstříku - IZO: 181044820, Identifikátor: 691004986
© 2015 Veselá školka